blueMarine II :: Commons · Utility code that is common to the whole project.
blueMarine II :: Commons · Utility code that is common to the whole project.
blueMarine II :: Commons for Tests · Utility code that is common to many tests through the project.
blueMarine II :: Model · The core model for the application.
blueMarine II :: Catalog · The implementation of the media catalog.
blueMarine II :: Application :: JavaFX · The JavaFX application.
blueMarine II :: Persistence · The implementation of RDF persistence.
blueMarine II :: Downloader · The component that is capable to download stuff from the internet.
blueMarine II :: UI · The abstract model of the User Interface.
blueMarine II :: Media Server :: UPnP · This module exposes the media server by means of the UPnP protocol.
blueMarine II :: CEC :: Adapter · An adapter for the CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) protocol.
blueMarine II :: UI :: JavaFX · The JavaFX implementation of the User Interface.
blueMarine II :: Services :: StoppingDown · A module that interfaces with StoppingDown website.
blueMarine II :: Vocabulary · A collection of semantic elements for the database.
blueMarine II :: CEC :: Navigation Adapter · An adapter that allows to navigate through the application by means of CEC (Consumer Electronic Control), that is a remote control connected to the TV/monitor.
blueMarine II :: Media Server · The abstract model of the component that exposes media.
blueMarine II :: Media Scanner · The component that scans media and imports metadata into the database.
blueMarine II :: Initializer · A module that is responsible for the initialisation of other modules.
blueMarine II :: Headless Service · A headless service that exposes resources by means of stuff such as REST, UPnP, etc.
blueMarine II :: Media Server :: REST · A module that exposes data by means of REST.
blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz :: Data Model · The data model for MusicBrainz. This module contains code auto-generated from MusicBrainz XSD.
blueMarine II :: MusicBrainz · The adapter that is able to import MusicBrainz metadata.