Group: it.tidalwave.image - All Dependencies

Mistral · This library is a façade for image manipulation, acting as a proxy to libraries such as Java2D, JAI, ImageJ. In its early years (after 2003) it was used for photo development, metadata management and even demonstrated distributed calculus on the Sun Grid. At the end of 2016 development stopped. It resumed at the end of 2022, dropping obsolete stuff (JAI). At the moment the portions related to image manipulation are not tested. Features about metadata manipulation are being actively developed. A few scripts for U*ix and Windows systems are provided to quickly run examples: + runViewerExample.sh + runHistogramViewerExample.sh + runViewerExample.bat + runHistogramViewerExample.bat Directory tree ============== * modules/Core sources for the core component * modules/Metadata sources for the Metadata component * modules/Processor sources for the imaging processor * modules/Renderer sources for the renderer * modules/Examples/ViewerExample example about the renderer * modules/Examples/HistogramViewerExample example about histogram computation * modules/Examples/CustomOperationExample example about custom operations * modules/Examples/Miscellaneous miscellaneous examples