Group: it.tidalwave.superpom - All Dependencies

platform RELEASE80-1

Tidalwave - NetBeans Platform 7.1 · Tidalwave NetBeans Platform 7.1

Dec 09, 2014
12 usages
libraries 1.1.5

Mar 13, 2011
11 usages
platform11 RELEASE68

Tidalwave - Platform 11 · Tidalwave NetBeans Platform11

Mar 01, 2010
8 usages
platform12 RELEASE691

Tidalwave - Platform 12 · Tidalwave NetBeans Platform12

Mar 25, 2011
7 usages
platform13 RELEASE70

Tidalwave - Platform 13 · Tidalwave NetBeans Platform13

Oct 31, 2011
4 usages
superpom 5.2

Tidalwave - SuperPOM · [![Build Status](]( The super POM for all Tidalwave projects. It is not designed for being used by others, as it contains some corporate-specific configurations, but its ancestor [TheseFooolishThings SuperPOM]( has been designed to be reusable. Please have a look at it. This super POM adds to its ancestor: + some Tidalwave variables that refers to the issue tracker, continuous integration system, etc...; + the definitions of versions of a number of commonly used libraries and their dependency management: * [AspectJ]( * [Hamcrest Matchers]( * [JSR 330]( * [Jakarta XML Binding (JAXB)]( * [Spotbugs annotations]( * [JUnit]( * [Logback]( * [Lombok]( * [SLF4J]( * [Spring 5]( * [TestNG]( + the definition for Tidalwave 3rd party repository (stuff that is not available on Maven Central); + a profile for using the [TheseFoolishThings]( Event Bus (```it.tidalwave-spring-messagebus-v1```); + profiles for the [Mycila License plugin](; + configuration of the UMLGraphDoc maven plugin; + the configuration for the TheseFoolishThings TestNG listener (which provides enhanced test logging); + definitions of some custom javadoc tags; + a blacklist for some old artifacts; + some other minor customisations.

May 01, 2023


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