Group: - All Dependencies


Semantic Turkey CORE Framework · Semantic Turkey main project. It contains the core business logic of the system.

Apr 14, 2023
47 usages

Codegen - Annotations · this module contains the definition of available custom annotations for code generation of the service controllers

Apr 14, 2023
3 usages

Codegen - AnnotationProcessors · this module contains the processors generating the code of the service controllers

Apr 14, 2023
2 usages

Apr 14, 2023
2 usages
st-i18n 11.4

Apr 14, 2023
2 usages

Apr 14, 2023
1 usages
st-font 11.4

Apr 14, 2023
1 usages

ST EXT-R Sesame2ImplExtension · The OSGi bundle for Sesame2 implementation of Semantic Turkey Ontology Manager

Jan 14, 2016

Semantic Turkey Firefox Extension · The javascript and XUL resources used to build the true firefox extension bunlded in the Semantic Turkey XPI

Jan 14, 2016

Semantic Turkey CORE Services · The set of core services bundled with the default Semantic Turkey XPI

Apr 14, 2023
st-console 11.4

Semantic Turkey Console · Karaf's custom console for Semantic Turkey

Apr 14, 2023
st-builder 11.4

Semantic Turkey Builder · Semantic turkey builder subproject. It creates the karaf archive with the application already deployed.

Apr 14, 2023

Semantic Turkey · Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Apr 14, 2023


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars