Group: me.wuwenbin - All Dependencies
template-utils-pojo · Provide some common pojo and some common classes for projects.
template-utils-wep · Provide some operations of word,excel and pdf.
template-utils-security · Refine security and encode/decode methods from hutool,besides removing extra dependency.
template-utils-qrcode · Provide some operations of qrcode.
template-utils-json · Provide json operations,including fastjson,gson, jackson and jodd's json.
template-utils-http · Provide some operations for http.
template-modules-pojo · Provide some common pojo for projects.
template-modules-dao · Provide some convenient methods to operate mysql daos.
template-modules-pagination · 多种表格组件(可扩展)的分页模型处理
template-dao · Provide some convenient methods to operate mysql daos.
template-modules-mongodb · 提供对mongo数据源的高级操作,针对多数据源mongo和集群mongo
template-modules-validator · 使用JODD框架的VTOR部分进行数据验证的模块插件