Maven Prerelease Plugin · Creates and promotes prereleases. Alternative to Maven's release plugin, but more atomic, faster and suitable for continuous delivery
Group: net.oneandone.maven.plugins - All Dependencies
Maven Application Plugin · Packages your Java application into a single executable file.
spritepacker-maven-plugin Maven Mojo · A maven plugin to generate a single combined image (spritesheet) from multiple source images.
Maven Dockerbuild Plugin · Maven plugin to build Docker images from a Dockerfile. The main idea is to store this Dockerfile in a *dockerbuild* artifact and manage it centrally in your favorite Naven repository. To build an image, this plugin resolves the dockerbuild artifact, unpacks it into the build context directory, adds necessary artifacts, and runs a Docker build on it.
1-and-1 :: Bill of Materials Plugin for Maven · Plugin to create and read a bill of materials, i.e. the SHA1 sum of all artifacts and their names.
Attach QA Reports Maven Plugin · Attach certain QA reports so they are deployed, namely findbugs, checkstyle, pmd, cpd and jacoco