Group: net.sf.squirrel-sql - All Dependencies

squirrel-sql 3.5.0

SQuirreL Main Application Jar · This is the jar that contains the main application classes which are very specific to SQuirreLSQL.

May 06, 2013
45 usages
fw 3.5.0

Framework Library · The framework library contains utility classes that are generic and useful for building applications that introspect a database via JDBC. These are not intended to be SQuirreLSQL-specific and could be used by other projects JDBC front-end applications. This project is guaranteed to have no code dependencies on other SQuirreLSQL projects and could therefore be used when building a different JDBC front-end application.

May 06, 2013
43 usages
doc 3.5.0

SQuirreL-SQL Documentation · Project that contains documentation for SQuirreL SQL Client that gets distributed in the installer

May 06, 2013
1 usages
website 3.5.0

Website Files · Website Files needed by the installer.

May 06, 2013
1 usages

SQuirreL-SQL Generic Installer · This project is used to build the generic installer

May 06, 2013

SQuirreL-SQL Mac OS X Installer · This project is used to build the installer for Mac OS X

May 06, 2013

SQuirreL SQL Client Source Archive (Aggregate) · This is a project to create a single source archive of the entire source tree as a convenience for those who cannot access Maven Central

Dec 30, 2010

SQuirreL Root POM · The top-most POM file for building the SQuirreL SQL Client. If a profile is defined that is called "installer", the build will also include building projects that produce the installer and the installer itself.

May 06, 2013

SQuirrel-SQL Launcher Scripts · This project contains the launcher scripts that are used to start SQuirreL

May 06, 2013

SQuirreL-SQL Java Version Checker · This project provides a jar which contains a utility to verify the version of Java being used. The classes in this jar have been built with javac 1.2.2 to enable it to be run by any JRE 1.2.2 and higher.

May 06, 2013

SQuirreL-SQL Update Site Project · This project is used to assemble the jars that produce the update site, and run the update site plugin to generate the release.xml file. Finally, this project can be used to deploy the update site to

May 06, 2013
plugins wikiTableConfigurations

Plugin Modules POM file · This POM lists all of the plugin modules. It is important to take the following steps when adding a new plugin: 1. This pom's modules section gets a new module whose name matches the directory in which the new plugin is installed. 2. The new module has a pom which lists the squirrelsql-plugins-parent-pom as it's parent (not this pom!).

May 06, 2013

SQuirreLSQL Update Site Maven Mojo · This project produces the Mojo that can build a proper release.xml for the SQuirreLSQL update site, given a directory where the updated jar artifacts are located. This plugin accepts a directory in it's configuration and expects to find three sub-directories there : core, plugins and i18n. It then categorizes the artifacts found in those directories accordingly in the final release.xml file, that is generated in the specified folder.

Nov 14, 2011

Installer Dependencies · This pom collects all of the common dependencies shared by each the installers.

May 06, 2013

SQuirreL SQL Dependency Plugin · This maven plugin extends the maven dependency plugin's CopyDependenciesMojo to provide more precise control over which artifacts are included in the copy operation. Specifically, in addition to the normal configuration provided by the CopyDependenciesMojo, it accepts a configuration of includedArtifacts which is a list containing a single entry for each includedArtifact where the value is the groupId and the artifactId joined by a colon (":")

Nov 14, 2011
sqlscript 3.0.2

Sqlscript Plugin · Sqlscript Plugin

Jan 26, 2010

Maven Plugin Workspace · A place to collect and release maven plugins required or building various SQuirreL projects with Maven.

Nov 14, 2011

SQuirreLSQL Version Maven Mojo · This project produces a maven mojo that can set the System property "squirrelsql.version" so that it can be used globally by the installers and the update-site projects. It accepts the project version as an argument which it uses to decide what the squirrelsql.version should be. If the project version ends with "-SNAPSHOT", then the squirrelsql.version will be set to Snapshot-{timestamp} where {timestamp} is the current timestamp in the form of YYYYMMDD_HHMM. If however, the project version does not end with "-SNAPSHOT", then squirrelsql.version will be set to the value of the project version.

Nov 14, 2011

SQuirreL-SQL Plugins Parent POM · POM file to consolidate common POM specifications

Jan 26, 2010

SQuirreL-SQL Plugin Assembly Descriptor · This project simply contains the assembly descriptor that is shared by all of the plugins, which produces an assembly zip archive containing the packaged plugin

Nov 21, 2010
installer 3.5.0

Installer Module Pom · The installer module pom lists all of the projects that participate in building the installer.

May 06, 2013
maven-utils 1.0.0

Maven Utilities · This project provides a tool for scanning multiple independent source code trees for the purpose of determining if there are circular dependencies between them. Since independent source trees will not be in a single reactor, Maven cannot detect this condition.

Feb 17, 2012


Top Dependency Usages

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