Group: net.sf.squirrel-sql.plugins - All Dependencies

mysql 3.5.0

Mysql Plugin · Mysql Plugin

May 06, 2013
2 usages
mssql 3.5.0

Mssql Plugin · Mssql Plugin

May 06, 2013
2 usages
db2 3.5.0

Db2 Plugin · Db2 Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
sqlbookmark 3.5.0

Sqlbookmark Plugin · Sqlbookmark Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
dbdiff 3.5.0

Dbdiff Plugin · Dbdiff Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
greenplum 3.5.0

Greenplum Plugin · Greenplum Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
macosx 3.5.0

Macosx Plugin · Macosx Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
firebird 3.5.0

Firebird Plugin · Firebird Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
informix 3.5.0

Informix Plugin · Informix Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
dataimport 3.5.0

Dataimport Plugin · Dataimport Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
laf 3.5.0

Look and Feel Plugin · This plugin gives SQuirreLSQL client the ability to configure alternate LaFs provided by the plugin as well as others that the user can provide. All dependencies listed with a groupId of net.sf.squirrel-sql and artifactId starting with squirrelsql-lf- are externally available open-source look and feels whose project maintainers have decided to not use maven, or those which were built and maintained only before the introduction of maven. Maven's central repository policy requires any pom that is deployed there to reference only artifacts which are also hosted in central. And a project may only use the groupId that is related to that project. So, this only leaves us with one option which is to host these external third-party artifacts using our groupId. The hope is that someday these projects will start using maven and the need for this will no longer be.

May 06, 2013
1 usages
graph 3.5.0

Graph Plugin · Graph Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
oracle 3.5.0

Oracle Plugin · Oracle Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
refactoring 3.5.0

Refactoring Plugin · Refactoring Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
sqlparam 3.5.0

Sqlparam Plugin · Sqlparam Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
hibernate 3.5.0

Hibernate Plugin · Hibernate Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages

SQuirreL-SQL Plugin Assembly Descriptor · This project simply contains the assembly descriptor that is shared by all of the plugins, which produces an assembly zip archive containing the packaged plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages

Plugin to detect violations of the Swing programming Model. Currently, only the violation of the AWT event dispatch thread is detected.

May 06, 2013
1 usages
netezza 3.5.0

Netezza Plugin · Netezza Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
syntax 3.5.0

Syntax Plugin · Syntax Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
multisource 3.5.0

Multi Source Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
postgres 3.5.0

Postgres Plugin · Postgres Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
i18n 3.5.0

I18n Plugin · I18n Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages
h2 3.5.0

H2 Plugin · H2 Plugin

May 06, 2013
1 usages


Top Dependency Usages

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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
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