Group: net.sf.tsl2nano - All Dependencies


TSL2 Framework Automatic Test Creation · Generates unit tests from code or annotated methods

Jun 04, 2023
26 usages

TSL2 Framework Core · TSL2 Framework Core (Main-Loader, Environment, Logging, Classloading, Crypting, PKI, HttpClient, ManagedException, Progress, System-Execution, CPU/Profiling, Compatibility-Layer, Messaging, Updater)

Jun 04, 2023
7 usages

TSL2 Framework Commons · TSL2 Framework Commons (Collections, Actions/Excecution, Readers, Xml, Print, Mail, FuzzyFinder, Proxies, Network-Structure)

Jun 04, 2023
6 usages

TSL2 JEE Direct Access · TSL2 JEE Direct Access (local JPA through GenericLocalBeanContainer, GenericLocalServiceBean, GenericEntityManager, ScriptTool, Replication)

Jun 04, 2023
5 usages

TSL2 Framework Generator · velocity template generator through classes or dom

Jun 04, 2023
4 usages
tsl2.nano.h5 2.5.1

TSL2 Framework Html5 Extensions · TSL2 Framework Html5 Extensions (WebServer, Html5Presentation, RuleCover, BeanConfigurator, LogicTable-Sheet, Expression-Descriptors for Actions, Rules, URLs, Queries)

Jun 04, 2023
3 usages

TSL2 Framework VirtualNetwork · TSL2 Framework VirtualNetwork (Generic parallelized Network-Mechanism providing implementations for: NeuronalNetwork, Routing, Workflow)

Jun 04, 2023
3 usages

TSL2 Framework Specification · TSL2 Framework Specification (Pools of descripted and runnable Actions and Rules, Generic Tree)

Jun 04, 2023
3 usages

TSL2 Framework Runtime-Jar-Resolver · TSL2 Framework Runtime-Jar-Resolver (can load missed Classes through an intelligent package finding mechanism using maven)

Jun 04, 2023
3 usages

TSL2 Framework Descriptor · TSL2 Framework Descriptor (currency-handling, generic formatter, descriptors for beans, collections, actions and values)

Jun 04, 2023
3 usages

TSL2 JEE Service Access · TSL2 JEE Service Access (Generic Services for Entity Access, JEE File-System-Connector, Generic Featuring, Job-Scheduling, BeanContainer, Batch, Comfortable Bean Query Definitions, JAAS, Authentification, Authorization, )

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Repeatable · TSL2 Framework Repeatable (generic Undo/Redo and Macro mechanism)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 ORMlite provider · TSL2 ORMlite (providing an EntityManager for ormlite)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Operation · TSL2 Framework Operation (abstract parser, conditioned functional or boolean operations - abstract structure for rule-engines)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework LogicTable/Tree/Vector · TSL2 Framework LogicTable/Tree/Vector (Excel-like table logic with equation solving through tsl2.nano.operation, mathemical Vector/Matrix-calculation)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Incubations · TSL2 Framework Incubations (currently: Attach Agents on Runtime, SVGChart)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 ORM EBean provider · TSL2 ORM EBean (providing an EntityManager for ebean)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Cursus · repeatable course/process (delta-processing-engine, event sourcing)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Database/XML Replication · Provides Database/XML Replication through JPA

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Data Structure · optimized implementations for trees, collections, arrays, historized input

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages
icon 2.5.1

TSL2 Framework Genetic Algorithm · Provides an environment for genetic programming

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Aspects · TSL2 Framework Aspects (Generic Aspects with AspectJ)

Jun 04, 2023
2 usages

TSL2 Framework Terminal · TSL2 Framework Terminal (Console Application Framework named SIShell, providing Actions, Options, Commands, Inputs, lots of Selectors, PlatformManagement)

Jun 04, 2023
1 usages


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars