Group: net.sourceforge.jadex - All Dependencies


jadex-commons · Jadex commons is a base package containing frequently used functionality missing in standard Java utility classes.

Dec 20, 2013
64 usages

jadex-bridge · Jadex bridge is a base package for kernels and platforms, i.e. it is used by both and provides commonly used interfaces and classes for active components and their management.

Dec 20, 2013
55 usages
jadex-xml 2.4

jadex-xml · Jadex XML is an XML data binding framework for Java and also for other representations. The main idea of Jadex XML is that neither the XML-Schema on the one side nor the Java classes on the other side should define the binding. Instead, a separate mapping between both is used as a mediation. This allows designing the XML representation independent of the Java side but still being able to connect both as desired. This idea was first put forward by the JiBX data binding framework. Jadex XML pushes it further by combining it with the configuration by exception principle. The framework can detect obvious correspondences between both sides automatically and only needs configuration information when translations are necessary. The configuration information is currently specified directly in form of Java configuration classes.

Dec 20, 2013
41 usages

jadex-javaparser · The Jadex Java parser allows arbitrary Java terms being parsed. The parser accepts input that can be written as right hand side of a Java assignment (exp = term), i.e. procedural language aspects like loops or branches.

Dec 20, 2013
24 usages

jadex-kernel-base · The Jadex base kernel provides basic support for all kinds of active components.

Dec 20, 2013
17 usages

jadex-platform-base · The Jadex platform base package contains functionality useful for constructing platforms.

Jul 29, 2012
17 usages

jadex-kernel-micro · The Jadex micro kernel provides a lightweight and very efficient kernel for minimal agents with an extremely low memory footprint. Micro agents have a simple internal architecture that is similar to active objects. They are programmed as Java objects overriding a framework class, which has predefined methods for the setup, termination, execution logic as well as message receipt.

Dec 20, 2013
16 usages

jadex-kernel-application · The Jadex application kernel provides application support for active components, whereby an application is itself considered as an active component. Applications are composed of subcomponents as well as spaces in various characteristics.

Dec 20, 2013
16 usages

jadex-kernel-extension-envsupport · The Jadex kernel extension envsupport allows for using 2D spaces in concert with components.

Dec 20, 2013
14 usages

jadex-kernel-bdi · The Jadex BDI kernel allows to use belief desire intention agents. BDI agents are intuitive to program as mentalistic notions are used for their description. For BDI agent a large set of predefined functionalities is available as capabilities as part of the applib BDI package.

Dec 20, 2013
14 usages

jadex-kernel-component · The Jadex component kernel provides basic support for active components. A component may be composed of subcomponents.

Dec 20, 2013
14 usages

jadex-rules · Jadex Rules is a small lightweight rule engine, which currently employs the well-known Rete algorithm for highly efficient rule matching. Jadex rules is therefore similar to other rule engines like JESS and Drools. Despite the similarities there are also important differences between these systems: * Jadex Rules is very small and intended to be used as component of other software. Even though rules can be specified in a Java dialect as well as (a small variation of) the CLIPS language its primary usage is on the API level. Jadex Rules is currently the core component of the Jadex BDI reasoning engine. * Jadex Rules cleanly separates between state and rule representation. This allows the state implementation as well as the matcher to be flexibly exchanged. Some experiments have e.g. been conducted with a Jena representation. Regarding the matcher, it is planned to support also the Treat algorithm, which has a lower memory footprint than Rete. * Jadex Rules pays close attention to rule debugging. The state as well as the rete engine can be observed at runtime. The rule debugger provides functionalities to execute a rule program stepwise and also use rule breakpoints to stop the execution at those points.

Dec 20, 2013
14 usages

jadex-kernel-bpmn · The Jadex BPMN kernel provides a workflow kernel for the standardized business process modeling notation. The kernel relies on annotated BPMN diagrams, which include detailed execution information.

Dec 20, 2013
12 usages

jadex-applib-bdi · The Jadex applib BDI package contain ready to use functionalities for BDI agents mostly in form of modules called capabilities.

Dec 20, 2013
8 usages

jadex-kernel-bdibpmn · The Jadex BDI-BPMN kernel allows to use BPMN workflow descriptions as alternative description for BDI agent plans.

Dec 20, 2013
8 usages

jadex-tools-base · Reusable classes for starting Jadex, running test cases and building JCC plugins.

Dec 20, 2013
7 usages

jadex-platform · The Jadex platform package contains implementations of platform services as well as the platform component itself.

Dec 20, 2013
7 usages

jadex-rules-tools · The Jadex rules tools package contains tools for the Jadex rule engine.

Dec 20, 2013
7 usages

jadex-kernel-extension-agr · The Jadex kernel extension agr allows for using the agent group role model.

Dec 20, 2013
7 usages

jadex-tools-base-swing · Reusable swing-dependent classes for starting Jadex, running test cases and building JCC plugins.

Dec 20, 2013
6 usages

jadex-kernel-gpmn · The Jadex GPMN (goal oriented process modeling notation) kernel provides a goal-oriented workflow kernel. The idea is that a workflow is specified as declarative goal hierarchy, which describes what has to be achieved to fulfill the workflow. At runtime goals are pursued by executing plans represented by standard BPMN workflows. The execution of goal-based workflows is achieved by conversion to BDI agents.

Dec 20, 2013
5 usages

jadex-platform-standalone · The Jadex standalone platform is a lightweight J2SE execution infrastructure. It includes message transports for remote communication and implementations for management platform services.

Jul 29, 2012
4 usages

jadex-kernel-bdiv3 · todo

Dec 20, 2013
4 usages

jadex-runtimetools-swing · The Jadex rules tools package contains tools for the Jadex active components infrastructure.

Dec 20, 2013
4 usages


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