htmlparser · A fork of http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/htmlparser/ used by the Nu Html Checker.
htmlparser · A fork of http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/htmlparser/ used by the Nu Html Checker.
The Nu Html Checker · An HTML-checking library (used by https://checker.html5.org/ and https://html5.validator.nu)
galimatias · Fork of the galimatias URL parsing and normalization library.
langdetect · Fork of the com.cybozu.labs.langdetect language-detection library
Jing · A branch of Jing used by the Nu Html Checker. (Jing is a tool for validating documents against RelaxNG schemas.)
vnu-maven-plugin · Maven plugin to validate HTML / CSS / SVG files with the NU HTML Checker (v.NU, https://validator.github.io/validator/)