Group: - All Dependencies

shared-ldap-model 1.0.0-M13

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Model · Common LDAP Model used by clients and servers

Oct 08, 2012
68 usages
shared-ldap 1.0.0-M1

Apache Directory Shared LDAP · Common LDAP packages used by clients and servers

Feb 14, 2011
61 usages
shared-util 1.0.0-M13

Apache Directory Shared Utilities · Utilities shared across this top level project

Oct 08, 2012
44 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema · Jar bundled LDIF files containing schema data using the Apache Directory specific meta schema for describing schema information using LDAP. This jar can be used by clients as well as by ApacheDS' schema partition.

Oct 08, 2012
29 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Codec · LDAP Codec used by clients and servers

Oct 08, 2012
18 usages
shared-asn1-api 1.0.0-M13

Apache Directory Shared ASN.1 API · ASN.1 API

Oct 08, 2012
17 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Client API · LDAP Client API

Oct 08, 2012
16 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Codec Standalone · This module was created to fix issue DIRSHARED-91 where the embedded Felix instance inside the default LdapCodecService implementation was making it very problematic to deploy the ldap-codec inside an RCP (OSGi) environment and hence Apache Directory Studio could not use it. This module is most likely temporary and will disappear once we are fully OSGi enabled. This module is a plain old jar, not a bundle to avoid accidental reuse as an OSGi module because it contains the version of the LdapCodecService that embeds Felix to make controls and extended ops pluggable in the codec.

Oct 08, 2012
15 usages
shared-asn1 0.9.19

Apr 02, 2010
15 usages
shared-i18n 1.0.0-M13

Apache Directory Shared I18n · Internationalization of errors and other messages

Oct 08, 2012
15 usages
shared-cursor 0.9.19

Apache Directory Shared Cursor · Shared Cursor interfaces.

Apr 02, 2010
12 usages

Apache Directory Shared Ldap Constants · Common LDAP constants used by clients and servers.

Apr 02, 2010
11 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Extras Util · Shared LDAP Extra utility packages used by clients and servers

Oct 08, 2012
11 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema · Jar bundled LDIF files containing schema data using the Apache Directory specific meta schema for describing schema information using LDAP. This jar can be used by clients as well as by ApacheDS' schema partition.

Feb 14, 2011
9 usages

Apr 02, 2010
9 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Extras Codec · Extra LDAP controls and extended operation extentions for the Codec used by clients and servers. These controls and extended operations are not standard issue. Some are very ApacheDS specific. Some may be from obscure RFC draft specifications. Both ApacheDS and Studio will use these controls as well as clients if the codec loads these extensions.

Oct 08, 2012
9 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Extras ACI · Extra Shared LDAP API for Access Control Items

Oct 08, 2012
9 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Extras Trigger · Shared Extra LDAP Trigger API

Oct 08, 2012
7 usages
shared-dsml-parser 1.0.0-M13

Oct 08, 2012
5 usages
shared-asn1-ber 1.0.0-M13

Apache Directory Shared ASN.1 BER · A BER Codec Implementation for ASN.1

Oct 08, 2012
5 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Extras Codec API · Extra LDAP controls and extended operation interfaces and POJOs for the Codec extensions used by clients and servers.

Oct 08, 2012
4 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema Loader · Initial schema loader used during server bootstrapping and client startup to populate hence why it's located in shared.

Apr 02, 2010
4 usages

Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema Manager · SchemaManager implementation bundle.

Apr 02, 2010
4 usages

Apache Directory Reduced Bouncycastle (repackaged) · Repackages the BouncyCastle jar including only those files we require rather than everything which includes patented algorithms like IDEA.

Sep 11, 2008
4 usages


Top Dependency Usages

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