Group: org.apache.flink - All Dependencies

Flink : Table : Common · This module contains extension points of the Table/SQL API. It allows for implementing user-defined functions, custom formats, etc. with minimal dependencies.

Flink : Table : API Java bridge · This module contains the Table/SQL API for writing table programs that interact with other Flink APIs using the Java programming language.

Flink : Table : Planner Blink · This module bridges Table/SQL API and runtime. It contains all resources that are required during pre-flight and runtime phase. The content of this module is work-in-progress. It will replace flink-table-planner once it is stable. See FLINK-11439 and FLIP-32 for more details.

Flink : Table : API Java · This module contains the Table/SQL API for writing table programs within the table ecosystem using the Java programming language.

Flink : Table : Planner · This module connects Table/SQL API and runtime. It is responsible for translating and optimizing a table program into a Flink pipeline. The module can access all resources that are required during pre-flight and runtime phase for planning.

Flink : Table : Runtime Blink · This module contains classes that are required by a task manager for execution of table programs. The content of this module is work-in-progress. It will replace the runtime classes contained in flink-table-planner once it is stable. See FLINK-11439 and FLIP-32 for more details.