Group: org.apache.geronimo.applications - All Dependencies
Geronimo Applications :: Dojo · A web application containing the Dojo library files. This web application makes a shared copy of the files available to all web applications in the server.
Geronimo Applications :: Welcome · This is a very simple application that is intended to serve as the default page that can be viewed when the server is first installed so that someone can see that the installation is working.
Geronimo Applications :: Remote Deploy · This application is essentially a servlet that accepts file upload requests from remote clients, which is necessary for remote deployment operations to work properly.
Geronimo Applications :: LDAP Demo · This is a very simple application that is intended to demonstrate the ldap security mechanism.
Geronimo Applications :: CA Helper Application · This is a helper application for CA to enable receiving CSR's through and uploading certificates to web browsers.
Geronimo Management EJB :: Stateless Session :: · Geronimo Management EJB for JSR77