Geronimo Plugins, AXIS2 :: EJB Deployer · Geronimo JAX-WS EJB deployer for Apache Axis2
Group: org.apache.geronimo.configs - All Dependencies
Geronimo Plugins, ActiveMQ v5 :: Broker using blueprint · Apache ActiveMQ v5 integration into geronimo. This module starts an activemq broker embedded in geronimo.
Geronimo Plugins, Clustering :: Plugin Farm Datasource · Plugin defining a derby datasource for the plugin farm. Intended to be replaced with a remote datasource for greater reliability in actual deployments
Geronimo Plugins, OpenEJB :: Clustering over WADI · WADI clustering for OpenEJB.
Geronimo Plugins, OpenEJB :: OpenEJB Client · Geronimo integration of the OpenEJB, to add ejb container in AppClient Container to support ManagedBean in appclient module.
Geronimo Plugins, Jetty :: Clustering Builder for WADI · Deployment for WADI clustering on Jetty 6.
Geronimo Plugins, JAXWS :: EJB Deployer · Base configuration for JAX-WS EJB Web services.
Geronimo Plugins, Dojo Legacy :: Tomcat · The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support.
Geronimo Plugins, Dojo Legacy :: Jetty6 · The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support.
Geronimo Plugins, Dojo :: Jetty6 · The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support.
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: Tools CLI · CXF JAX-WS command line tools
Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: EJB · Geronimo Web Services Apache CXF EJB integration
Geronimo Plugins, Concurrency Utilities :: Deployer · Geronimo Concurrent Deployer