Group: org.apache.geronimo.plugins - All Dependencies
Geronimo Maven2 Plugins :: Geronimo · Geronimo plugin for Maven 2; used to install, start, stop the server and operate on modules.
Geronimo Plugins, Plan Creator · Geronimo deployment plan creator to facilitate the creation of Geronimo-specific deployment plans
Geronimo Plugins, OpenWebBeans · OpenWebBeans plugin
Geronimo Maven2 Plugins :: Testsuite Archetype · Plugin to help create a testsuite
Apache Geronimo-Apache Directory Server Integration Parent · Integration of the Apache Directory Server into Apache Geronimo
Apache Geronimo-Apache Directory Server Plugin · This plugin integrates the Apache Directory Server (ApacheDS) LDAP server with Geronimo. That means that Geronimo will run an embedded LDAP server when it starts. This LDAP server may be used for LDAP security realms within Geronimo, as well as for other purposes by Geronimo applications or by remote applications. For more information on the ApacheDS project, see