Group: org.apache.isis.archetype - All Dependencies


simpleapp-archetype · This module defines a standard parent POM to use for various Incode applications and modules. Its primary purpose is to make it easy to use a set up maven mixins ( within child POMs. Specifically this means locking down the versions of plugins using pluginManagement. It does NOT define any mixins for Apache Isis.

Jan 14, 2019
0 stars

helloworld-archetype · This module defines a standard parent POM to use for various Incode applications and modules. Its primary purpose is to make it easy to use a set up maven mixins ( within child POMs. Specifically this means locking down the versions of plugins using pluginManagement. It does NOT define any mixins for Apache Isis.

Jan 14, 2019
0 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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