Apache Isis Ext - Command Replay for Primary · A module for obtaining commands from a primary
Apache Isis Ext - Command Replay for Primary · A module for obtaining commands from a primary
Apache Isis Ext - Security - Shiro LDAP Realm (parent) · Implementation of Shiro Realm using LDAP.
Apache Isis Ext - pdf.js - Parent · A component for Apache Isis' Wicket viewer, allowing BLOBs containing PDFs to be rendered in a panel using pdf.js.
Apache Isis Ext - FullCalendar (parent) · A component for Apache Isis' Wicket viewer, displaying collections of objects that have a date on a fullcalendar.io (JavaScript widget).
Apache Isis Ext - Flyway · Integrates Flyway when using any (relational) persistence store
Apache Isis Ext - Wicket Viewer - Excel Download (parent) · A component for Apache Isis' Wicket viewer, providing an alternative representation of collections to be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.
Apache Isis Ext - CORS (parent) · Implementation of CORS Filter (using ebay filter)
Apache Isis Ext - Quartz · Integrates Quartz
Apache Isis Ext - Command Replay · Replays commands to secondary system
Apache Isis Ext - Command Log · Logs commands
Apache Isis Ext - Security - Spring Oauth2 · Authentication Converter, using Spring Security's OAuth2 client
Apache Isis Ext - Command Log · Logs commands
Apache Isis Ext - Excel (parent) · A domain service for Apache Isis', allowing collections of (view model) objects to be exported/imported to/from an Excel spreadsheet. Also support for excel-based fixtures.