Group: org.apache.maven.shared - All Dependencies

maven-verifier 2.0.0-M1

Apache Maven Verifier Component · Provides a test harness for Maven integration tests.

Sep 22, 2022
252 usages
4 stars

Apache Maven Invoker · A component to programmatically invoke Maven.

Apr 05, 2022
246 usages
14 stars

Apache Maven Dependency Tree · A tree-based API for resolution of Maven project dependencies

Nov 16, 2022
245 usages
21 stars

Apache Maven Shared Utils · Shared utilities for use by Maven core and plugins

May 11, 2023
218 usages
25 stars

Apache Maven File Management API · API to collect files from a given directory using several include/exclude rules.

Jun 29, 2022
203 usages
6 stars

Apache Maven Filtering · A component to assist in filtering of resource files with properties from a Maven project.

Mar 21, 2023
186 usages
4 stars

Apache Maven Common Artifact Filters · A collection of ready-made filters to control inclusion/exclusion of artifacts during dependency resolution.

Sep 12, 2022
157 usages
2 stars

Apache Maven Artifact Transfer · An API to install, deploy and resolving artifacts with Maven 3

Dec 22, 2020
146 usages
5 stars

Apache Maven Dependency Analyzer · Analyzes the dependencies of a project for undeclared or unused artifacts.

Apr 30, 2023
46 usages
31 stars

Maven Doxia Integration Tools · A collection of tools to help the integration of Doxia in Maven plugins.

Apr 30, 2011
30 usages
maven-osgi 0.2.0

Maven OSGi integration · Library for Maven-OSGi integration

Dec 20, 2007
25 usages

Maven Artifact Resolution API · Provides a component for plugins to easily resolve project dependencies.

Sep 14, 2009
19 usages

Apache Maven Shared I/O API · API for I/O support like logging, download or file scanning.

Dec 20, 2015
16 usages

Jan 01, 2008
14 usages

Apache Maven Jarsigner · A component to assist in signing jars.

Oct 26, 2018
11 usages
3 stars

Apache Maven Mapping · A shared component to assist in interpolating file names using properties from a Maven project.

Nov 15, 2015
10 usages

Apache Maven JAR Utilities · Utilities that help identify the contents of a JAR, including Java class analysis and Maven metadata analysis.

Apr 15, 2023
10 usages
1 stars

Maven Incremental Build support utilities · Various utility classes and plexus components for supporting incremental build functionality in maven plugins.

Apr 03, 2013
9 usages
maven-test-tools 1.0-alpha-2

Jan 01, 2008
9 usages

Apache Maven Model Converter (RETIRED) · Converts between version 3.0.0 and version 4.0.0 models.

Jul 23, 2013
8 usages

Apache Maven Script Interpreter · This component provides some utilities to interpret/execute some scripts for various implementations: groovy or beanshell.

Dec 15, 2022
5 usages
9 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars