Group: org.apache.royale.framework - All Dependencies
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes: Simple Royale Typedef Library · Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale typedef library.
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes: Simple Royale Library · Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale library.
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes: Simple Royale Pure-SWF Application · Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with only Flash output.
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes: Simple Royale Pure-JS Application · Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with only JavaScript output.
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes: Simple Royale Application · Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with both Flash and JavaScript output.
Apache Royale: Framework: Archetypes · Maven archetypes for creating royale maven projects
Apache Royale: Framework: Parent · The Apache Royale Project