Attribyte Shared Base · Interfaces, classes and utility methods shared by all Attribyte OSS projects
Group: org.attribyte - All Dependencies
Attribyte Essem Metrics Reporter · Reports codahale metrics with the Essem protocol buffer serialization.
Attribyte HTTP model · An HTTP model that presents an immutable interface and provides several common client implementations/models that can easily be swapped.
Attribyte JDBC Connection Pool · A JDBC connection pool designed to support the high throughput, concurrency, tuning, monitoring and reporting typically required to support production application servers.
Attribyte Metrics Reporting · Runtime configuration of various metrics reporters.
Attribyte Async Publisher · An instrumented client that publishes HTTP messages and handles responses asynchronously.
Attribyte Pubsubhub Publisher · An instrumented async client with optionally bounded queue to limit resource use for publishing events to pubsubhub.