Beigesoft logging base Java library. · It consists of abstraction of simple, non-static, OOP and memory(performance)-friendly loggers and its implementations.
Beigesoft logging base Java library. · It consists of abstraction of simple, non-static, OOP and memory(performance)-friendly loggers and its implementations.
Beigesoft™ WEB CRUD interface Java code. · It's Java library of WEB CRUD interface based on standard JEE MVC servlet, JSP, JSTL. It's based on previous beigesoft-webcrud-jar project. All JSP, web.xml, etc are in separate beige-web project.
Beigesoft ORM library. · Beigesoft ORM library. This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, H2 and SQlite. Consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configurable with standard Java Properties XML files. Standard SQL queries both DML(e.g. SELECT) and DDL(e.g. CREATE) are automatically generated and could be modified/replaced by Properties XML.
Beigesoft settings library. · It helps to quickly make settings for class and its fields of with properties XML. Instead of create a lot of files to describe every class and its fields it use describing by type, by name. E.g. setting "java.lang.Integer"-"INTEGER NOT NULL" will be assigned fo every field of this type. Of course it can be overriden by settings for field name and so on. It is used by beige-web to describe how to render an entity and convert from HTML value. It is used by beige-orm to describe how to map an entity to a DBMS. It make simple settings - Map<String, String>, e.g. "title"-"Beige ORM 1.1", class settings Map<String, Map<String, String>>, e.g. "org.mode.Customer"-["defaultOrder"-"ITSNAME", "wdgFilterOrder"-"filterOrderStd"], fields settings Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>, e.g. "org.mode.Customer"-["itsId"["wdgNew"-"null", "wdgFilter"-"filterNumber"]]
Beigesoft™ common business logic library. · It consist of common abstractions, some implementations, some models, e.g. IFactory, ISrvOrm, ISrvDatabase, ISrvI18N, APersistableBase, persistable models for JDBC authentication for Tomcat and Jetty standards etc.
Beigesoft common Java library. · Beigesoft common Java library. It contains interfaces and other crossplatform logic (almost UI) e.g. interface to draw line, rectangle, widgets list and tree chooser, utils, etc.
Beigesoft™ Document Writer library. · This is base cross-platform document creation logic, i.e. add page, table, text, image etc. Writing this document to concrete platform file (e.g. PDF), interactive editing or viewing on screen should be implemented with concrete platform-dependent writer (PDF/Swing/GTK), e.g. Beigesoft™ PDFWriter.
Beigesoft™ ORM library. · This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, MySql, H2 and SQlite. It consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configured with Beige-Settings (standard Java Properties XML files).
Beigesoft™ Accountion All In One WEB interface Java code. · It extends beigesoft-webcrud-jar, e.g. added servlets for balance and warehouse reports, factory accounting services, XML configurations for render Accounting and WebStore models. This is all in one configuration i.e. Beige-WebStore is included. Web-Store is draft yet.
Beigesoft™ common business logic library. · It consists of common business logic, e.g. persistable models to store languages, countries, users, abstraction and implementations of services like ORM, JDBC, CSV writer, etc. This is based on beigesoft-bcommon.
Beigesoft™ Enterprise Information System Java code. · It consists of double entry accounting and trading (web-store) business logic. It's based on previous beigesoft-accounting and beigesoft-webstore projects.
Base multiplatform UML logic · Implementation of base multiplatform UML logic. e.g. render UML shapes logic, UI logic. It's used by beige-uml-swing and beige-uml-android
Beigesoft™ WEB interface. · This is WEB interface based on standard JEE MVC servlet, JSP, JSTL.
Beigesoft common Java library. · Beigesoft common Java library. It contains common abstractions, some implementations, some models, e.g. IFactory, IDelegate, Srvi18N, APersistableBase.
Beigesoft Android Library in Java. · This is library for Android that consist of implementation of database service for use in Beige-ORM and some other Java classes.
Beige Accounting WEB Java code. · Beige Accounting WEB Java code.
Beige replicator/persister · It replicate/persist any entity according XML settings and user's requirements with a file or network (HTTP). Right now it has implemented XML format of stored/transferred data.
Beigesoft PDF writer library. · This is light-weight (all JARs size is about 250KB), international friendly and fast PDF writer. You will not get performance problems on a high load server application, e.g. if hundred users push print (to PDF) button at the same time. It's cross-platform writer - Standard Java and Android. There are not 3-d party dependencies except Java, Android and TTF fonts.
Beigesoft™ WEB CRUD interface Java code. · It's java library of CRUD interface based on standard JEE MVC servlet, JSP, JSTL. It renders forms and lists of any entity according XML settings (Beige-Settings). Database logic is handled by Beige-ORM. It also includes Mail-sender and database replicator through WEB-service.
Beigesoft™ XML settings library. · It helps to quickly make settings for class and its fields of with properties XML. Instead of create a lot of files to describe every class and its fields it use describing by type, by name. E.g. setting "java.lang.Integer"-"INTEGER NOT NULL" will be assigned for every field of this type. Of course it can be overridden by settings for field name and so on. It is used by beige-web to describe how to render an entity and convert from HTML value. It is used by beige-orm to describe how to map an entity to a DBMS. It make simple settings - Map<String, String>, e.g. "title"-"Beige ORM 1.1", class settings Map<String, Map<String, String>>, e.g. "org.model.Customer"-["defaultOrder"-"ITSNAME", "wdgFilterOrder"-"filterOrderStd"], fields settings Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>, e.g. "org.model.Customer"-["itsId"["wdgNew"-"null", "wdgFilter"-"filterNumber"]]
Beigesoft™ replicator/persister · It replicate/persist any entity according XML settings and user's requirements with a file or network (HTTP). Right now it has implemented XML format of stored/transferred data. Beige-Accounting uses it with web-service for full database import and to import accounting data between databases.
Beigesoft™ JDBC library. · It consist of JDBC implementation of database service. Test package consist of ORM JDBC tests for SQlite, Mysql, Postgresql, H2 databases.