Group: org.beiter.michael.eaudit4j.processors - All Dependencies

timestamp 1.1

timestamp · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides an audit processor that retrieves the system time and appends a timestamp as a field to audit events.

Jul 21, 2016
slf4j 1.1

slf4j · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides an audit processor that logs audit events using slf4j, and passes the event on without modifying it.

Jul 21, 2016
machineId 1.1

machineId · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides an audit processor that creates a unique machine ID for the machine executing the library and appends it as a field to audit events.

Jul 21, 2016
jdbc 1.1

jdbc · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides a set of audit processors that persists audit events using JDBC. Depending on the processor implementation, the JDBC connection can be instantiated from a configurable database connection pool, a JNDI name, or a data source. Once persisted, the event is passed on without modification.

Jul 21, 2016
eventId 1.1

eventId · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides an audit processor that creates a random event ID. The entropy is configurable, and the ID is appended to the event and stored in a configurable field name.

Jul 21, 2016
cassandra 1.1

cassandra · This module is part of the eAudit4j audit library, providing a simple and pluggable solution for auditing in Java. This particular Maven module provides a set of audit processors that persists audit events using Cassandra. Once persisted, the event is passed on without modification.

Jul 21, 2016


Top Dependency Usages

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