Group: org.checkerframework - All Dependencies

checker-qual 3.37.0

Checker Qual · checker-qual contains annotations (type qualifiers) that a programmer writes to specify Java code for type-checking by the Checker Framework.

Aug 01, 2023
1.3k usages
1k stars

Checker Qual · Checker Qual is the set of annotations (qualifiers) and supporting classes used by the Checker Framework to type check Java source code. Please see artifact: org.checkerframework:checker

Aug 31, 2018
630 usages
1k stars
checker 3.37.0

Checker Framework · The Checker Framework enhances Java's type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins ("checkers") that find bugs or verify their absence. It also permits you to write your own compiler plug-ins.

Aug 01, 2023
52 usages
1k stars

Dataflow (errorprone) · dataflow-errorprone is a dataflow framework based on the javac compiler. It differs from the org.checkerframework:dataflow artifact in two ways. First, the packages in this artifact have been renamed to org.checkerframework.errorprone.*. Second, unlike the dataflow artifact, this artifact contains the dependencies it requires.

Aug 01, 2023
41 usages
1k stars
jdk8 3.3.0

Annotated JDK 8 · Annotated JDK 8 consists of Checker Framework annotations for the Open JDK Java 8 API. Method implementations in this file are empty. This file should only be compiled against and should never be placed on the runtime classpath of a compiled program.

Apr 02, 2020
27 usages
1k stars
javacutil 3.37.0

Javacutil · javacutil contains utility classes for the javac compiler.

Aug 01, 2023
14 usages
1k stars

Dataflow (shaded) · dataflow-shaded is a dataflow framework based on the javac compiler. It differs from the org.checkerframework:dataflow artifact in two ways. First, the packages in this artifact have been renamed to org.checkerframework.shaded.*. Second, unlike the dataflow artifact, this artifact contains the dependencies it requires.

Aug 01, 2023
12 usages
1k stars
dataflow 3.37.0

Dataflow · Dataflow is a dataflow framework based on the javac compiler.

Aug 01, 2023
11 usages
1k stars

Dataflow (nullaway) · dataflow-nullaway is a dataflow framework based on the javac compiler. It differs from the org.checkerframework:dataflow artifact in two ways. First, the packages in this artifact have been renamed to org.checkerframework.nullaway.*. Second, unlike the dataflow artifact, this artifact contains the dependencies it requires.

Aug 01, 2023
10 usages
1k stars
compiler 2.4.0

Type Annotations Compiler · The Type Annotations Compiler is a fully backwards compatible customization of the Open JDK javac compiler with additional support for type annotations.

Mar 02, 2018
9 usages

Checker Qual · Checker Qual is the set of annotations (qualifiers) and supporting classes used by the Checker Framework to type check Java source code. Please see artifact: org.checkerframework:checker

Mar 02, 2018
5 usages
1k stars
checker-util 3.37.0

Checker Util · checker-util contains utility classes for programmers to use at run time.

Aug 01, 2023
4 usages
1k stars
testlib 2.5.4

Checker Framework Testing Library · Testlib is a collection of utility classes for testing checkers that use the Checker Framework.

Aug 01, 2018
3 usages
1k stars

Checker Framework Testing Library · framework-test contains utility classes for testing type-checkers that are built on the Checker Framework.

Aug 01, 2023
3 usages
1k stars
jdk7 2.1.14

Annotated JDK 7 · Annotated JDK 7 consists of bytecode implementing the Open JDK Java 7 api annotated with Checker Framework annotations. Method implementations in this file are empty. This file should only be compiled against and should never be placed on the runtime classpath of a compiled program.

Aug 03, 2017
2 usages
1k stars

Checker Qual Android · checker-qual-android contains annotations (type qualifiers) that a programmer writes to specify Java code for type-checking by the Checker Framework. The checker-qual-android artifact is identical to the checker-qual artifact, except that in checker-qual-android annotations have classfile retention. The default Android Gradle plugin retains types annotated with runtime annotations in the main dex, but strips out class-retention annotations.

Aug 01, 2023
1 usages
1k stars
commons-bcel 0.0.1

BCEL · Apache Commons Bytecode Engineering Library, with type annotations

Feb 16, 2018
0 stars

Checker Framework Maven Plugin · The Checker Framework Maven Plugin allows you to easily run the Checker Framework in your Maven build. Directions can be found at:

Jun 02, 2014
stubparser 3.25.5

Stub Parser · This project contains a parser for the Checker Framework's stub files: . It is a fork of the JavaParser project.

Sep 18, 2023
3 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars