Cargo Core WebSphere Liberty Container · Core API implementation for WebSphere Liberty containers
Group: org.codehaus.cargo - All Dependencies
Cargo Core WildFly Swarm Container · Core API implementation for WildFly Swarm containers
Cargo Core Payara Container · Core API implementation for Payara containers
Cargo Remote Deployer for Jetty (version 7 and onwards) · Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications of a Jetty server (versions 7 and onwards)
Cargo Remote Deployer for Jetty (version 6.x and earlier) · Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications of a Jetty 6.x server
Cargo Core Tools JBoss 5.1.x and 6.x deployer · Remote deployer for JBoss 5.1.x and 6.x
Cargo Core Tools JBoss 5.0.x deployer · Remote deployer for JBoss 5.0.x
Cargo Remote Deployer for Jetty (versions 7.x to 9.x) · Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications of a Jetty server (versions 7.x to 9.x)
Cargo Remote Deployer for Jetty (versions 11 onwards) · Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications of a Jetty server (versions 11 onwards)
Cargo Remote Deployer for Jetty (version 10 only) · Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications of a Jetty server (version 10 only)
Codehaus Cargo · Cargo is a thin wrapper that allows you to manipulate various type of application containers (J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE and others) in a standard way.
Cargo Samples Test Data · Test data for the Sample applications
Cargo Samples - Maven 2 - WebSphere test · Sample application that will be used to test the WebSphere container