Group: org.codehaus.gant - All Dependencies


Gant · A framework for programming dependencies.

Nov 22, 2013
6 usages
50 stars

Nov 10, 2011
2 usages

Apr 27, 2011
1 usages

Gant · A framework for programming dependencies.

May 05, 2014
1 usages
50 stars

Gant · A framework for programming dependencies.

May 05, 2014
1 usages
50 stars
gant 1.4.0

Gant · Gant is a build tool for scripting Ant tasks using Groovy instead of XML to specify the build logic. A Gant build specification is just a Groovy script and so can bring all the power of Groovy to bear directly, something not possible with Ant scripts. Whilst it might be seen as a competitor to Ant, Gant relies on all the Ant tasks for actually doing things, so it is really an alternative way of doing builds using Ant, but using a programming language rather than XML to specify the build rules.

Jul 13, 2008

Gant · Gant is a tool for scripting Ant tasks using Groovy instead of XML to specify the logic. A Gant specification is just a Groovy script and so can bring all the power of Groovy to bear directly, something not possible with Ant scripts. Whilst it might be seen as a competitor to Ant, Gant relies on all the Ant tasks for actually doing things, so it is really an alternative way of doing things using Ant, but using a programming language rather than XML to specify the rules.

Oct 13, 2009

Jul 22, 2011

Gant · A framework for programming dependencies.

May 05, 2014
50 stars

Gant · A framework for programming dependencies.

May 05, 2014
50 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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Jul 31, 2023
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