Group: org.codehaus.mojo - All Dependencies


Mar 25, 2023
887 usages
77 stars

Exec Maven Plugin · A plugin to allow execution of system and Java programs

Jul 15, 2022
45 usages
145 stars

Versions Maven Plugin · The Versions Maven Plugin is used when you want to manage the versions of artifacts in a project's POM.

Jun 06, 2023
38 usages
298 stars

Mojo's Maven plugin for Cobertura · This is the Mojo's Maven plugin for Cobertura. Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage.

Feb 27, 2015
22 usages
almond 0.0.2-alpha-1

almond · AMD loader providing the minimal AMD API footprint.

May 17, 2012
22 usages

Build Helper Maven Plugin · This plugin contains various small independent goals to assist with Maven build lifecycle

May 11, 2023
21 usages
91 stars

FindBugs Maven Plugin · This Plug-In generates reports based on the FindBugs Library

Aug 18, 2017
16 usages
56 stars
plugin-support 1.0-alpha-1

Plugin Support · Provides common support classes and components for plugins.

Mar 14, 2007
12 usages

Animal Sniffer · Animal Sniffer.

Mar 25, 2023
11 usages
77 stars

MWEBSTART :: JNLP Servlet · JNLP Sample servlet that supports pack200 protocol. Taken from Sun's JDK sample/jnlp directory thanks to its permissive license.

Mar 01, 2016
9 usages

JDepend Maven Plugin · Maven plugin that generates JDepend reports for your projects.

Apr 19, 2014
9 usages
antcall 1.0-alpha-3

Ant Caller · Runs ant scripts from API calls

Jan 23, 2007
9 usages
cbuild-utils 1.0-beta-1

May 30, 2009
9 usages
build-context 1.0-alpha-3

Jan 23, 2007
6 usages

TrueZIP Shared Component · Shared component usable outside of Maven to manipulate archives. See javadoc and unit test for detailed usage.

Feb 15, 2014
6 usages

JAXB-2 Maven Plugin · Mojo's JAXB-2 Maven plugin is used to create an object graph from XSDs based on the JAXB 2.x implementation and to generate XSDs from JAXB annotated Java classes.

Apr 20, 2022
5 usages
87 stars
project-extras 1.0-alpha-1

Dec 19, 2006
5 usages

Extra Enforcer Rules · Extra Enforcer Rules. These are extra rules for Apache Maven's Enforcer Plugin.

Jun 01, 2023
4 usages
61 stars

Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin · Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin.

Mar 25, 2023
4 usages
77 stars

License Maven Plugin · Maven plugin to download and collect license files from project dependencies.

Jul 03, 2023
4 usages
89 stars
mrm-api 1.5.0

Dec 24, 2022
4 usages
7 stars

Wagon Maven Plugin · Maven plugin that can be used to access various operations on a given URL using a supported maven wagon. Supports recursive upload, download, and list directory content functionality.

Jan 14, 2021
4 usages
25 stars
fs-tools 1.0-alpha-1

Dec 19, 2006
4 usages

JavaCC Maven Plugin · Maven 3 Plugin for processing JavaCC grammar files.

Sep 17, 2022
4 usages
10 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars