Group: org.crazycake - All Dependencies

shiro-redis 3.3.1

shiro-redis · shiro only provide the support of ehcache and concurrentHashMap. Here is an implement of redis cache can be used by shiro. Hope it will help you!

Sep 25, 2020
32 usages
1.1k stars
camel-name-utils 1.0.0-RELEASE

camel-name-utils · It's a simple library. Helps people to get underscore style name from camel style name or get camel style name from underscore style name

Sep 18, 2014
3 usages
ScaffoldUnit 1.0.0-RELEASE

ScaffoldUnit · ScaffoldUnit will help you to prepare the database data context when you do unit test.

Sep 20, 2014
1 usages

shiro-redis-spring-boot-starter · spring-boot starter for shiro-redis

Sep 25, 2020
5 stars
jdbctemplatetool 1.0.4-RELEASE

jdbctemplatetool · Spring JdbcTemplate did very convient and useful, but it also has some disadvantages or in another word “inconvenient”. For example, you can’t just pass an object and tell JdbcTemplate to turn it into a sql and save to database just like hibernate does. Alright, you may say “JdbcTemplate doesn’t need you to write hbm.xml , so it’s understandable”. But is it true that this thing is impossible to achieve? And also you know JdbcTemplate can auto turn the result of a query to a list of persistent object a.k.a PO, but when you want to do this you will meet a problem: “How to ?”.Because you can’t find any function of JdbcTemplate to pass a sql and a PO class as we expected. After you google for it, you’ve been told you can create a BeanPropertyRowMapper to deal with this. But isn’t it could be more easier? Based on those questions I create JdbcTemplateTool which can provide these features.

Sep 24, 2014
51 stars
form-sql-builder-mysql 1.0.0-RELEASE

form-sql-builder-mysql · As a programmer did you have the experience that when you comes to implement a search page you can only transform the search form into sql manually? If your project have 20 search page like that then you have to write 20 times to implement the sql query. It’s boring and anxious. form-sql-builder-mysql is designed for ease the burden for you. It can help you to transform search or list form sent from browser into query sql automatically.

Oct 12, 2014
cached-query 1.0.0-RELEASE

cached-query · Most of time when we use cache library like memcached we not also include these cache libraries but also write the utils to save the result of database query repeatly. I found the most situation of using cache is caching database query result. So I created this project to deal with this situation. >Only tested on mysql.

Sep 18, 2014


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
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Mar 17, 2023
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Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
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