Group: org.databene - All Dependencies

contiperf 2.3.4

databene ContiPerf · ContiPerf is an open source testing utility that enables the user to easily convert JUnit 4 test cases into performance tests.

Sep 25, 2014
86 usages

Databene Commons · 'Databene Commons' is an open source Java library by Volker Bergmann. It provides extensions to the Java core library by utility classes, abstract concepts and concrete implementations.

Jul 06, 2016
14 usages

Databene Benerator · 'Benerator' is a framework for creating realistic and valid high-volume test data, used for testing (unit/integration/load) and showcase setup. Metadata constraints are imported from systems and/or configuration files. Data can imported from and exported to files and systems, anonymized or generated from scratch. Domain packages provide reusable generators for creating domain-specific data as names and addresses internationalizable in language and region. It is strongly customizable with plugins and configuration options.

Sep 25, 2014
9 usages

Databene Formats · 'Databene Formats' is an open source software library for supporting data file and other formats like CSV, fixed width files, XLS, Properties and Regex. It is designed for multithreaded use and high performance.

Jul 06, 2016
4 usages

DatabeneScript · 'DatabeneScript' is an open source software library for resolving Java-like script expressions, written by Volker Bergmann.

Sep 25, 2014
4 usages

databene webdecs · 'databene webdecs' is an open source software library for WEB Data Extraction, Conversion and Scripting, written by Volker Bergmann.

Jun 21, 2012
4 usages
jdbacl 0.8.19

Databene jdbacl · 'jdbacl' stands for 'Java DataBase ACcess Layer' and provides utilities for accessing JDBC databases from Java programs, retrieving meta information in an object model and querying database data.

Sep 25, 2014
3 usages
feed4testng 0.6.2

Feed4TestNG · Feed4TestNG makes it easy to write and feed parameterized TestNG tests with data imported from files (CSV, flat, Excel, DbUnit) or generated.

Jul 12, 2010
2 usages
databene-gui 0.2.12

databene gui · databene-gui is a collection of open source utilities for graphical user interfaces

Nov 30, 2011
2 usages
feed4junit 1.2.0

Feed4JUnit · Feed4JUnit makes it easy to write and feed parameterized JUnit tests with data imported from files (CSV, flat, Excel, DbUnit) or generated.

Sep 25, 2014
2 usages
dbsanity 0.9.4

Databene DB Sanity · DB Sanity is a tool for verifying a database's sanity and data integrity.

Apr 11, 2012
2 usages
edifatto 3.0.1

Edifatto · 'Edifatto' is an open source software library for parsing, generating and verifying EDIFACT and X12 documents written by Volker Bergmann.

Jul 06, 2016
1 usages

maven benerator plugin · Maven plugin for integrating benerator in your build process. The goals are benerator:generate, benerator:dbsnapshot and benerator:createxml.

May 11, 2012
mongo4ben 0.1

Apr 11, 2012

Dec 12, 2011

benerator maven plugin · Maven plugin for integrating benerator in your build process. The goals are benerator:generate, benerator:dbsnapshot and benerator:createxml.

Sep 25, 2014


Top Dependency Usages

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14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
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2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
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2.7k stars