Group: org.e-hoffman.crypto - All Dependencies

Crypto 1.0.0

${project.artifactId} · A contract for a replaceable encryptor/decryptor that is only related to the actual act of encryption or decryption. Key look up, reading, encryptor configuration, and padding are all construction level details that are not covered by this API, and should be handled in a dependency injection container, instance construction, or some other "factory".

Sep 30, 2014
2 usages

${project.artifactId} · An implementation of the Crypto API that relys on BounceyCastle to perform AES symmteric key encryption. Contains logic to help construct and lookup keys.

Sep 30, 2014
1 usages

${project.artifactId} · Uses an instance of the Crypto API to encrypt and decrypt values of a property files. Allows the selection of Crypto API implementation, as well as a high amount of other configurability in the CryptoEnvironment class. Usually used by extending the AbstractCryptoPropertyProvider class.

Sep 30, 2014


Top Dependency Usages

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