Group: org.everit.osgi.bundles - All Dependencies


Apache Felix Utils · Utility classes for OSGi (packaged by Everit).

Jul 23, 2014
5 usages

jTDS · jTDS is an open source 100% pure Java (type 4) JDBC 3.0 driver for Microsoft SQL Server (6.5, 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012) and Sybase ASE (10, 11, 12, 15). jTDS is based on FreeTDS and is currently the fastest production-ready JDBC driver for SQL Server and Sybase. jTDS is 100% JDBC 3.0 compatible, supporting forward-only and scrollable/updateable ResultSets and implementing all the DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData methods.

Apr 21, 2015
2 usages

JSON in Java · JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format. See The files in this package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java. It also includes the capability to convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL. This is a reference implementation. There is a large number of JSON packages in Java. Perhaps someday the Java community will standardize on one. Until then, choose carefully. The license includes this restriction: "The software shall be used for good, not evil." If your conscience cannot live with that, then choose a different package. The package compiles on Java 1.2 thru Java 1.4.

Feb 14, 2014
2 usages
4.4k stars

Commons Transaction · Classes that aid concurrent programming in a transactional style.

Jun 18, 2015
1 usages

Esendex Java SDK · The Esendex Java SDK is an easy to use client for our REST API that you can use to integrate SMS and Voice messaging into your Java application.

Jul 01, 2015
1 usages
0 stars

HTML Lexer OSGi Bundle · HTML Lexer is the low level lexical analyzer.

Nov 18, 2014
1 usages

Commons DBCP (Patched by Everit) · Commons Database Connection Pooling (See PATCHES.TXT in jar)

Feb 05, 2014
1 usages

unbescape · Advanced yet easy-to-use escape/unescape library for Java

Jun 25, 2014
1 usages
238 stars

Everit - XML Commons Full OSGi bundle · All jars of Apache XMLCommons project re-packaged by Everit. This bundle is intended for runtime use in OSGi containers.

Sep 18, 2015
2 stars

jSSC (Java Simple Serial Connector) · jSSC is a simple and cross-platform serial-port communication library for Java

Jan 30, 2017
606 stars

Interval Tree · Implementation of a dynamic interval tree, supporting efficient lookup for all intervals intersecting a query.

Feb 14, 2017
26 stars

Java Marine API · Java Marine API is an NMEA 0183 library for Java (

Apr 04, 2017
197 stars

Everit OSGi jTDS ntlm authentication support · Fragment bundle of jTDS that contains the ntlm auth DLL files with the OSGi native MANIFEST headers

Mar 21, 2018

thymeleaf · XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine for Java

Jun 25, 2014
2.7k stars

JDBC 4.1 API · OSGi bundle that contains the JDBC API coming from OpenJDK 1.7. In case of OSGi, it is better to exclude javax.sql.*, com.sun.rowset.* and javax.transaction.* packages from the boot classpath and use them from bundles. Very often javax.transaction.* packages are used from a custom bundle. As javax.sql.XADataSource wires to that package, it is logical to have that in a custom bundle as well so there will be no package wiring issues.

Apr 01, 2014

HTML Parser OSGi bundle with Lexer · HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. It is a fast, robust and well tested package.

Nov 18, 2014

== GreenMail Core == · GreenMail - Email Test Servers

Apr 14, 2015
470 stars


Top Dependency Usages

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95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
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14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
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2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars