BeanTester · Tests normal bean methods such as accessors, mutators, equals(), hashcode(), etc.
Group: org.force66 - All Dependencies
ValueObjectBase · Provides Value Object base that eliminates much of the verbose coding that goes into value object class definitions.
ServletApiMock · This is a testing library that provides mocks for the Servlet API.
This project is a Java library that facilitates establishing and tracking correlation ids for micro-services.
CxfExceptionUtils · The exceptions that CXF generates for WSDL soap faults (e.g. input validations, etc) are less than helpful. This project contains root exceptions you can use that are *much more convenient and provide needed information to support personnel.
TaskMediator · TaskMediator facilitates providing partial functionality in the event of an outage by handling exceptions and providing a default response.
CircuitBreaker · Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern. This circuit operates like an electrical circuit in your house. If something goes wrong, the circuit "trips" and power is cut to outlets connected to that circuit.
RequestCorrelationSlf4J · This project is a Java library that facilitates establishing and tracking correlation ids for micro-services using Slf4j.
Insanity · Generic implementation of the 'retry' pattern. The retry pattern is best used from a batch or asynchronous remote tasks (e.g. web service calls) that a user/caller isn't waiting for. It's purpose is to compensate for temporary outages automatically, without the need for human intervention.
This project is a Java library that facilitates logging correlation ids for micro-services using logback.
This project is a Java library that facilitates logging correlation ids for micro-services using log4j.
RequestCorrelation · This project is a Java library that facilitates establishing and tracking correlation ids for micro-services.