Group: org.graalvm.visualvm.modules - All Dependencies


Java Profiler (JFluid) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
21 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (API & SPI) · API and SPI module for Java Profiler

Jun 28, 2023
20 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (JFluid-UI) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
19 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-UISupport · This module provides UI components and services to be used in VisualVM tool and plugins

Jun 28, 2023
16 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Common) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
11 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler Core · NetBeans Profiler is a full-featured Java profiler adding CPU, Memory and Thread profiling functionality to the NetBeans IDE.

Jun 28, 2023
8 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Heap) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
6 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Charts) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
5 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Profiling · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
4 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (HeapWalker) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
4 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-HeapViewer · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
4 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Utilities) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
3 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (OQL) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
3 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Startup · VisualVM startup Module

Jun 28, 2023
2 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Snapshots Tracer) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
2 usages
2.7k stars

Java Profiler (Attach Support) · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
2 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-JFR · Framework and UI to visualize JFR snapshots in VisualVM.

Jun 28, 2023
2 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Sampler-Truffle · This module implements a sampling profiler for the GraalVM.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Sampler · This module implements a sampling CPU and memory profiler (in contrast to the Profiler which uses instrumentation).<BR><BR> CPU profiling requires a JMX connection to the monitored application, once correctly set up you can profile both local and remote applications.<BR><BR> Memory profiling requires Attach API, so only local applications running on JDK 6+ are supported.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-SA · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Profiler · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Plugin Importer · Import plugins installed in specified VisualVM

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-AppUI · Customizes NetBeans platform/application UI using the layer.xml to show only items applicable for VisualVM.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars

VisualVM-Jvmstat · VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.

Jun 28, 2023
1 usages
2.7k stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars