Group: org.i3xx.step - All Dependencies


NordApp OfficeBase :: zero · Workflow step sequencer initializing

Jul 08, 2015
6 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: clock · A timer using the crontab syntax and additional binary input to provide a resolution of one second (1000 ms / 1000 millis / 1s). The timer uses the whiteboard pattern to notify the clients. There are only a few dependencies to commons-codec, osgi and osgi-blueprint. The bundle 'org.i3xx.step/org.i3xx.step.clockmongo' provides a store for the clock configuration based on mongodb. The additional dependency is 'org.mongodb/mongo-java-driver'. The bundle 'org.i3xx.util/org.i3xx.util.whiteboard' can be used to avoid a dependency to bundles used. In other words, your bundle can use the clock but need no dependency to the bundle 'org.i3xx.step.clock'. Take a look at the description there.

Jul 06, 2015
3 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: uno · Workflow step sequencer part one

Jul 08, 2015
2 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: store · File integration to step

Jul 08, 2015
2 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: mongo · MongoDB integration to step

Jul 08, 2015
2 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: fileinfo · Get the file info using Apache Tika.

Jul 06, 2015
2 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: due · Resource service

Jul 08, 2015
2 usages
0 stars

NordApp OfficeBase :: clockmongo · A mongodb backed store for the time service. To avoid dependencies to the 'org.i3xx.step/org.i3xx.step.clock' bundle, this small service is written. The clock uses the whiteboard pattern to find this service. If you need another storage - just implement 'ClockPersistenceService' and write your own one.

Jul 07, 2015
1 usages
0 stars


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