Group: org.iplantc - All Dependencies

clj-icat-direct · A Clojure library for accessing the iRODS ICAT database directly.

deliminator · Clojure library for parsing character separated values.

lein-iplant-cmdtar · Leiningen plugin for generating tarball command distributions.

panopticon · A background service for monitoring the statuses of Condor jobs.

lein-iplant-rpm · Leiningen Plugin for generating RPMs for Clojure projects.

notificationagent · A web service for storing and forwarding notifications.

metadactyl · Framework for hosting DiscoveryEnvironment metadata services.

infosquito · An ICAT database crawler used to index the contents of iRODS.

heuristomancer · Clojure library for attempting to guess file types.

dewey · This is a RabbitMQ client responsible for keeping an elasticsearch index synchronized with an iRODS repository using messages produced by iRODS.