Group: org.jetbrains.compose.ui - All Dependencies
Compose UI Text · Compose Text primitives and utilities
Compose UI Text · Compose Text primitives and utilities
Compose UI Text · Compose Text primitives and utilities
Compose UI Text · Compose Text primitives and utilities
Compose Geometry · Compose classes related to dimensions without units
Compose Geometry · Compose classes related to dimensions without units
Compose Geometry · Compose classes related to dimensions without units
Compose Geometry · Compose classes related to dimensions without units
Compose Geometry · Compose classes related to dimensions without units
Compose UI Preview Tooling · Compose tooling library API. This library provides the API required to declare @Preview composables in user apps.
Compose Tooling · Compose tooling library. This library exposes information to our tools for better IDE support.
Compose Util · Internal Compose utilities used by other modules
Compose Tooling Data · Compose tooling library data. This library provides data about compose for different tooling purposes.