Group: org.openidentityplatform.commons - All Dependencies
org.openidentityplatform.commons.i18n-framework · A common framework for embedding localizable messages in applications
org.openidentityplatform.commons.http-framework · The HTTP framework provides a uniform client/server HTTP API, which is script friendly, and includes adapters for various common HTTP libraries such as Servlet, Apache HTTP Clients, and Grizzly.
org.openidentityplatform.commons.doc-maven-plugin · Common machinery for generating core documentation from DocBook XML sources
org.openidentityplatform.commons.doc-default-branding · This Open Identity Platform Communitydefault branding includes style-related elements needed when building core documentation.
org.openidentityplatform.commons.doc-common-content · This common Open Identity Platform Communitycontent includes text and images in formats suitable for inclusion in core documentation.
org.openidentityplatform.commons.bloomfilter · Thread-safe implementations of scalable and rolling Bloom Filters.
org.openidentityplatform.commons.auth-filters · Open Identity Platform CommunityAuthentication and Authorization common filters
org.openidentityplatform.commons.audit · Implements the commons audit framework.