WebLab Portlet · This is a generic WebLab portlet developed for the WebLab platform. It eases development if multiple events need to be handled. Please note that some libraries need to be provided by the portal. Some provided libraries are probably in the portal own libraries (javax.portlet:portlet-api, javax.servlet:servlet-api, javax.servlet:jstl and taglibs:standard). Some other need to be added by your own (for eventing), they are WebLab specific, since we encourage you to only exchange objects of the WebLab model as events (org.weblab-project.core:model, org.weblab-project.core:extended).
Group: org.ow2.weblab.portlets - All Dependencies
WebLab Portlet POM · This is a generic parent POM for some portlet developed for the WebLab platform by EADS team members. For some needs we developed the Abstract WebLab Portlet. It eases development if multiple events need to be handled. If you do not need these functionalities, please consider using an other parent POM for you portlet instead of this POM. Please note that some libraries need to be provided by the portal. Some provided libraries are probably in the portal own libraries (javax.portlet:portlet-api, javax.servlet:servlet-api, javax.servlet:jstl and taglibs:standard). Some other need to be added by your own (for eventing), they are WebLab specific, since we encourage you to only exchange objects of the WebLab model as events (org.weblab-project.core:model, org.weblab-project.core:extended).
launch-chain-portlet · this portlet allows you to launch the indexing chain of the WebLab bundle application
${project.artifactId} · This portlet displays a clustering of search results into categories that let users drill into search results by any value in any field. Each facet displayed shows the number of hits within the search that match that category.
${project.artifactId} · This portlet allows you to display the texts and annotations contained in the given Document.
WebLab Metaview · this portlet allows you to display chosen metadata to the user for a given Document
${project.artifactId} · this portlet allows you to display ResultSet return by WebLab Searcher services as a list of results
advanced-search-portlet · This portlet allows you to send query to WebLab Searcher services and send ResulSet to other portlets.