Group: org.rouplex - All Dependencies


7 usages
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3 usages
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3 usages
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3 usages
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Oct 11, 2017
3 usages
0 stars

Oct 11, 2017
3 usages
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2 usages
0 stars

Java secure (SSL/TLS) and selectable socket channels for Jdk1.6 · Rouplex-Niossl is a java SPI (service provider interface) for secure (SSL/TLS), selectable, socket channels. Some of the classes in the java.nio.channels package have been extended by secure counterparts that can be used side by side, or replace existing instances of the plain implementations. This package contains just the entry point calls for instantiating such instances, as well as a non-functional, default implementation. For a concrete implementation of these classes you can take a look at Rouplex-Niossl-Spi, which would be included as a separate dependency to your applications. More specifically this library defines SSLSocketChannel class to inherit from SocketChannel, SSLServerSocketChannel to inherit from ServerSocketChannel and SSLSelector to inherit from SSLSelector. One or more instances of SSLSocketChannel can be registered with an (or more) instance of SSLSelector to be selected upon, with the same exact semantics a SocketChannel would expect from registering with a Selector. Further, a mixture of SocketChannels and SSLSocketChannels can be registered simultaneously with an SSLSelector. The secure counterparts abide to the same API and semantics defined for plain channels at This way, the existing products can be easily updated to provide secure communication and new products can achieve security of data in transit by using the already proven and excellent patterns for communication such as nio.

Sep 23, 2017
2 usages
2 stars

Oct 11, 2017
2 usages
0 stars

Oct 11, 2017
2 usages
0 stars

Dec 20, 2017
1 usages
0 stars

Rouplex Platform · A platform for discovery and communication between various parts of a distributed service or application. At its minimum, the platform is a library which can be used to serialize and deserialize application constructs into payloads which it can then send to and receive from remote endpoints. For now it supports TCP and HTTP communication protocols with WebSockets coming soon. It supports raw byte streams via TCP, as well as application/json via JAX-RS as serialization protocols. It offers plain or SSL/TLS communication for security of your data in transit. For now it is only available in Java, with bindings for other languages coming soon. The communication pattern is request-reply, with fail fast semantics, and with service consumers (clients) knowing beforehand the coordinates of the service providers (servers). The TCP communication protocol offers blocking/unblocking/asynchronous flavors whereas the rest are only blocking for now. Coming soon, the platform will provide a Discovery Service to facilitate the registration of the service providers (servers) and service consumers (clients). In this case, the callers don't need to resolve or even balance their calls towards various endpoints, since the Platform handles this tasks. In this case, the pub/sub communication pattern will also be available (coming soon) with at-most-once delivery guarantees. We intend to provide a Security Service for managing the keys/and certificates of various services as well as Metrics and Logging services (coming soon).

Dec 20, 2017
0 stars

Java secure (SSL/TLS) and selectable socket channels · Rouplex-Niossl is a java SPI (service provider interface) for secure (SSL/TLS), selectable, socket channels. Some of the classes in the java.nio.channels package have been extended by secure counterparts that can be used side by side, or replace existing instances of the plain implementations. This package contains just the entry point calls for instantiating such instances, as well as a non-functional, default implementation. For a concrete implementation of these classes you can take a look at Rouplex-Niossl-Spi, which would be included as a separate dependency to your applications. More specifically this library defines SSLSocketChannel class to inherit from SocketChannel, SSLServerSocketChannel to inherit from ServerSocketChannel and SSLSelector to inherit from SSLSelector. One or more instances of SSLSocketChannel can be registered with an (or more) instance of SSLSelector to be selected upon, with the same exact semantics a SocketChannel would expect from registering with a Selector. Further, a mixture of SocketChannels and SSLSocketChannels can be registered simultaneously with an SSLSelector. The secure counterparts abide to the same API and semantics defined for plain channels at This way, the existing products can be easily updated to provide secure communication and new products can achieve security of data in transit by using the already proven and excellent patterns for communication such as nio.

Sep 23, 2017
2 stars

Oct 11, 2017
0 stars

Rouplex Deployment Service · Used for deployments of services in heterogeneous clouds.

Oct 11, 2017
0 stars


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