Group: org.sculptorgenerator - All Dependencies
Sculptor · Sculptor is an open source productivity tool that applies the concepts from Domain-Driven Design and Domain Specific Languages for generating high quality Java code and configuration from a textual specification.
Sculptor :: Maven :: Plugin · Maven plugin for the Sculptor code generator
Sculptor :: Maven :: Archetype for presentation tier · Maven archetype for a WAR project using the Sculptor code generator
Sculptor :: Maven :: Archetype for parent · Maven archetype for a parent project using the Sculptor code generator
Sculptor :: Maven :: Archetype for EAR · Maven archetype for a EAR project using the Sculptor code generator
Sculptor :: Maven :: Archetype for business tier · Maven archetype for a business tier project using the Sculptor code generator
Sculptor :: Runtime Framework · Aggregator project for all runtime framework modules
Sculptor :: Cartridges · Aggregator project for all Sculptor cartridges