WildFly Quickstart BOM · Dependency Management WildFly QuickStarts
Group: org.wildfly.bom - All Dependencies
WildFly: EJB Legacy Client BOM · This artifact provides a bill of materials (BOM) for remoting based EJB for clients which require 100% API compatiblity with EAP 7.0 and earlier releases. It is recommended to use the primary wildfly-ejb-client bom if possible.
WildFly BOMs: Quickstarts Builder · The builder for Quickstarts BOM
WildFly BOMs: Quickstarts · Quickstarts BOM, with dependency management in sync with server
WildFly BOMs: JMS Client Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for JMS client usage.
WildFly BOMs: JAXWS Client Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for JAXWS client usage.
WildFly BOMs: Java EE 8 with Tools Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Java EE 8 Specification APIs with Deployment and Testing Tools
WildFly BOMs: Java EE 8 Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Java EE 8 Dependency Management
WildFly BOMs: EJB Client Legacy Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for EJB client legacy usage.
WildFly BOMs: EJB Client Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for EJB client usage.
WildFly BOMs: Jakarta EE 8 with Tools Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Jakarta EE 8 Specification APIs with Deployment and Testing Tools
WildFly BOMs: Jakarta EE 8 Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for Jakarta EE 8 Dependency Management
WildFly BOMs: MicroProfile Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for MicroProfile Dependency Management
WildFly BOMs: EE Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for WildFly EE Dependency Management
WildFly BOMs: EE with Tools · Dependency Management for WildFly EE with Deployment and Testing Tools.
WildFly BOMs: EE with Tools Builder · This artifact builds a bill of materials (BOM) for WildFly EE with Deployment and Testing Tools