Group: - All Dependencies


Dec 06, 2019
38 usages
26 stars

WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Spark Core · This component is used for the core operations such as store, deploy, execute the script

Dec 06, 2019
31 usages
26 stars

WSO2 Streaming Integrator - Siddhi Feature · This feature contains the dependency bundles related to Siddhi Core

Feb 27, 2023
27 usages
39 stars

WSO2 Streaming Integrator - Interceptor Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Micro services Interceptor

Feb 27, 2023
25 usages
39 stars

Feb 27, 2023
23 usages
39 stars

WSO2 Streaming Integrator - Siddhi Store Query REST API Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Siddhi Store REST API

Feb 27, 2023
18 usages
39 stars

WSO2 Streaming Integrator - Event Simulator Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Event Simulator

Feb 27, 2023
17 usages
39 stars

WSO2 Stream Processor - Statistics Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Stream Processor Core

Nov 27, 2020
16 usages

WSO2 Stream Processor - Core Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Stream Processor Core

Nov 26, 2020
16 usages
39 stars

WSO2 Stream Processor - Common Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Stream Processor Common

Nov 26, 2020
16 usages
39 stars

Dec 06, 2019
16 usages
26 stars

WSO2 Streaming Integrator - Heath Check Core API Feature · This feature contains the bundles related to Health Check API

Feb 27, 2023
16 usages
39 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars