WSO2 Carbon - Android JAX-RS v09 API · Android JAX-RS v09 API
Group: org.wso2.carbon.devicemgt-plugins - All Dependencies
WSO2 Carbon - Mobile Implementation of Device Management · This feature contains the core bundles required for Mobile Device Management functionality
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Android Stream C-APP · This feature contains the android streams
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Server VirtualFireAlarm Feature · This feature contains the VirtualFireAlarm Device type specific implementations for the IoT Server
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Server RaspberryPi Feature · This feature contains the RaspberryPi Device type specific implementations for the IoT Server
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Device Management Feature · This feature contains the core bundles required for IoT Server
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Server Arduino Feature · This feature contains the Arduino Device type specific implementations for the IoT Server
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Server Android Sense Feature · This feature contains the Android Sense Device type specific implementations for the IoT Server
WSO2 Carbon - IoT Device Management Feature · This feature contains the adapter bundles required for IoT Server