Group: org.wso2.extension.siddhi.gpl.execution.geo - All Dependencies


Siddhi GPL Execution Extension - Geo · FunctionExecutors 1. GeoWithinFunctionExecutor Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string) OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string) Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry is within the geoJSONGeometryFence 2. GeoIntersectsFunctionExecutor Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string) OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string) Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry intersects the geoJSONGeometryFence 3. GeoWithinDistanceFunctionExecutor Input : (longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, distance double) OR (geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, distance double) Output : true if (longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry is within distance of the geoJSONGeometryFence StreamProcessors 1. GeoCrossesStreamProcessor Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string) OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string) Output : an event with `crosses` additional attribute set to true when the object ((longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry) crosses into geoJSONGeometryFence and an event with `crosses` additional attribute set to false when the object crosses out of the geoJSONGeometryFence 2. GeoStationaryStreamProcessor Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double) OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double) Output : when the object ((longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry) starts being stationary within the radius an event with `stationary` additional attribute set to true. When the object starts to move out of the radius an event with `stationary` additional attribute set to false. 3. GeoProximityStreamProcessor Input : (id string, longitude double, latitude double, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double) OR (id string, geoJSONGeometry string, geoJSONGeometryFence string, radius double) Output : when two objects ((longitude, latitude) or geoJSONGeometry) starts being in close proximity within the radius an event with `inCloseProximity` additional attribute set to true. When the object starts to move out of the radius an event with `inCloseProximity` additional. attribute set to false. On each event, additional attributes `proximityWith` gives the id of the object that this object is in close proximity and `proximityId` is an id unique to the pair of objects

Dec 20, 2017
2 stars


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