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AndHow Test Harness · Harness and tools for testing the AndHow framework, or writing tests for projects that use AndHow.
Sample to be used as a compiled jar by the andhow-default-behavior-test to test property behavior in external compiled libraries.
andhow-default-behavior-dep1 · Sample to be used as a compiled jar by the andhow-default-behavior-test to test property behavior in external compiled libraries.
AndHow-Usage-Examples · Usage examples of the AndHow! configuration frameork.
AndHow Parent Project · AndHow is an easy to use configuration framework with strong typing and detailed validation for web apps, command line or any application environment.
AndHow Core · Simple typed and validated configuration loading for web apps, command line or any environment application.
AndHow Annotation Processor Test Harness · Test Harness for running the JavaC compiler, adding Annotation Processors and creating and testing files in memory.
AndHow Annotation Processor · Compile-time annotation processor that records all AndHow Properties and registers them as service providers to be picked up at runtime.
AndHow System Tests · System tests that require running the entire AndHow framework, including the annotation compiler and Property and configuration self-discovery.
andhow-default-behavior-test · Usage examples of the AndHow! configuration frameork.
AndHow Annotation Processor Tests · 'Real world' compile-time testing of the annotation processor. Its impossible/hard to fully replicate the compile time environment including annotation processing, class generation, service loading, etc.. This module contains standard and edge case classes container AndHow properties. Unit tests then check to ensure that PropertyRegistrars were generated and registered as services for each top level class containing Properties.
AndHow shared test utilities · These shared classes provide common test utilities to make testing easier, both for testing the AndHow framework and testing apps using AndHow.
AndHow JUnit 5 Extensions · Extensions for JUnit 5 to make testing easier for applications using the AndHow framework.