Group: - All Dependencies
viewmodel-core · A multiplatfrom library for authoring viewmodel in an MVIVM architecture
viewmodel-core · A multiplatfrom library for authoring viewmodel in an MVIVM architecture
result-core · A serializable Result data type, wrapped around Either<L,R>
later-ktx · Extensions of the promise based api to be easily used in kotlin
kotlinx-serialization-mapper · A Kotlinx Serialization Extension for mapping between json objects and kotlin maps
jwt-rs · A Platform agnostic way of dealing with JWT tokens signed with the RSA algorithms
jwt-hs · A Platform agnostic way of dealing with JWT tokens signed with the HMAC algorithms
phone-core · A multiplatfrom library for dealing with and validating phone numbers
email-core · A multiplatfrom library for dealing with and validating emails
test-coroutines · An extension to the test-core artifact to help testing coroutines
result-core · A serializable Result data type, wrapped around Either<L,R>
rest-server-core · A kotlin multiplatform library to help authoring servers