Group: - All Dependencies

gate-core 9.0.1

GATE Core · GATE - general architecture for text engineering - is open source software capable of solving almost any text processing problem. This artifact enables you to embed the core GATE Embedded with its essential dependencies. You will able to use the GATE Embedded API and load and store GATE XML documents. This artifact is the perfect dependency for CREOLE plugins or for applications that need to customize the GATE dependencies due to conflict with their own dependencies or for lower footprint.

Mar 08, 2021
26 usages
72 stars
gcp-api 3.2

GCP public API · The "public API" of GCP, including the input and output handler interfaces and some abstract implementation and utility classes. A GATE plugin that wants to include input or output handler implementations should declare a "provided" dependency on this library.

May 28, 2021
4 usages
5 stars

Repackaged version of the Eclipse JDT compiler for GATE · A shaded copy of Eclipse JDT Compilee ${ecj.version}, relocated into a GATE-specific package name.

Feb 04, 2021
4 usages
0 stars

GATE Plugin Testing Utilities · A set of utilities to assist in testing GATE plugins.

Mar 08, 2021
2 usages
0 stars
gate-asm 9.4

ASM bytecode library (repackaged) · A shaded copy of ASM 9.4, relocated into a GATE-specific package name.

Oct 10, 2022
1 usages
0 stars
jaspell 0.3.1

JaSpell Java Spell Checker (GATE version) · Java Spell Checker library, originally developed by Bruno Martins ( with modifications by Ian Roberts

Nov 24, 2016
1 usages
6 stars

Jan 03, 2023
1 usages
1 stars

gatelib-interaction · A library that implements a number of different ways for running a program in a different process and communicating with that process by sending data back and forth over standard input/output in various formats (JSON, ObjectStream ... ).

Jun 10, 2019
1 usages
0 stars

GATE Cloud Paralleliser · GCP is a tool for running saved GATE applications in multiple parallel threads on a single machine.

May 28, 2021
3 stars
gate-spring 9.0.1

GATE Spring support · Helper classes to support the use of GATE within the Spring framework

Mar 08, 2021
2 stars

GATE Plugin Base · Parent POM for any GATE plugin project, to include the maven plugin that will generate the correct CREOLE metadata.

Mar 08, 2021
0 stars

GATE Plugin Archetype · Maven archetype to create a new GATE plugin project.

Mar 08, 2021
0 stars

GATE Maven Plugin · Maven plugin to assemble the correct metadata descriptors when building a plugin for GATE.

Mar 08, 2021
0 stars

GATE Plugin with PR Archetype · Maven archetype to create a new GATE plugin project including a sample PR class (an empty LanguageAnalyser).

Mar 08, 2021
0 stars

GATE Cloud parent POM · Parent POM for GATE Cloud client library components

Jan 03, 2023
1 stars
gate-top 9.0.1

GATE Top · GATE Top is a convenience repo for building GATE and associated projects. Mainly for use with a CI server.

Mar 08, 2021
0 stars


Top Dependency Usages

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars
Jun 02, 2023
69.4k usages
14.3k stars
Mar 17, 2023
51k usages
2.1k stars
Jul 31, 2023
27.1k usages
49k stars
Aug 09, 2023
25k usages
2.7k stars