· This library is a set of frequently used components and includes (in the future it is planned to split into separate libraries):
- Facilitating synchronization of processes, including those in different threads (com.alcosi.lib.synchronisation)
- Logging of incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http,com.alcosi.lib.filters)
- Logging of execution time and errors with annotations (using AspectJ) (com.alcosi.lib.logging.annotations)
- Logging SQL queries/responses and notice/exception (for JDBCTemplate) (com.alcosi.lib.db)
- CORS Filter
- Response caching for incoming Http requests. (com.alcosi.lib.filters)
- Error handling for incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http)
- RabbitMQ configuration (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit)
- Facilitating the connection of external JARs to the application. (com.alcosi.lib.utils.ExternalJarLoad)
- Set of serializers for Jackson (com.alcosi.lib.serializers)
- Custom thread pools, including with blocking queue (com.alcosi.lib.executors)
- Swagger and OpenAPI distribution (com.alcosi.lib.doc)
- Load balancer when working with Etherium nodes (com.alcosi.lib.crypto)
- Contract caching for WEB3J (com.alcosi.lib.crypto)
- Automatic registration of frequently used components in Spring (only if available in classpath)
- Interface and wrappers for encryption/decryption (com.alcosi.lib.secured.encrypt)
- Encryption key provider interface and implementations - in env. variable and through http
- Thread context form headers/to headers (com.alcosi.lib.filters,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http)
- Simple authentication (com.alcosi.lib.filters)
- Secured data containers with JSON serialization and log masking (com.alcosi.lib.secured.container,com.alcosi.lib.secured.logging.files,com.alcosi.lib.serializers)
With dependencies
Download JD-GUI to open JAR file and explore Java source code file (.class .java)
Click menu "File → Open File..." or just drag-and-drop the JAR file in the JD-GUI window commons-library-basic-dependency- file.
Once you open a JAR file, all the java classes in the JAR file will be displayed.