Top Trends Libraries for Java

junit 4.13.2

JUnit · JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java, created by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.

Feb 13, 2021
95.1k usages
8.4k stars

spring-boot-starter-parent · Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Aug 24, 2023
442 usages
73.8k stars
selenium-java 4.11.0

org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java · Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you.

Jul 31, 2023
1.7k usages
29.8k stars

Mar 07, 2023
5.8k usages
593 stars
spring-core 6.0.11

Spring Core · Spring Core

Jul 13, 2023
6.6k usages
55.7k stars
lombok 1.18.28

Project Lombok · Spice up your java: Automatic Resource Management, automatic generation of getters, setters, equals, hashCode and toString, and more!

May 24, 2023
14.4k usages
12.1k stars
log4j 1.2.17

Apache Log4j · Apache Log4j 1.2

May 26, 2012
13.6k usages
gson 2.10.1

Jan 06, 2023
12.1k usages
22.2k stars
testng 7.8.0

testng · Testing framework for Java

May 18, 2023
9.3k usages
1.8k stars
poi 5.2.3

Apache POI - Common · Apache POI - Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files

Sep 09, 2022
1.9k usages
hibernate-core 5.3.31.Final

Hibernate ORM - hibernate-core · Hibernate's core ORM functionality

Aug 07, 2023
3.4k usages
5.8k stars
json 20230618

JSON in Java · JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format. See The files in this package implement JSON encoders/decoders in Java. It also includes the capability to convert between JSON and XML, HTTP headers, Cookies, and CDL. This is a reference implementation. There is a large number of JSON packages in Java. Perhaps someday the Java community will standardize on one. Until then, choose carefully.

Jun 18, 2023
3.7k usages
4.4k stars
commons-io 2.13.0

Apache Commons IO · The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.

Jun 03, 2023
20.8k usages
jackson-core 2.15.2

Jackson-core · Core Jackson processing abstractions (aka Streaming API), implementation for JSON

May 30, 2023
10.7k usages
2.2k stars

Apr 17, 2008
8.5k usages

jackson-databind · General data-binding functionality for Jackson: works on core streaming API

May 30, 2023
20.7k usages
3.4k stars
spring-webmvc 6.0.11

Spring Web MVC · Spring Web MVC

Jul 13, 2023
4.4k usages
55.7k stars

spring-boot-starter-web · Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container

Aug 24, 2023
7.8k usages
73.8k stars
postgresql 42.6.0

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver · PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Postgresql

Mar 17, 2023
3.2k usages
1.4k stars
spring-boot 3.1.3

spring-boot · Spring Boot

Aug 24, 2023
2.7k usages
73.8k stars

Apache Commons Logging · Apache Commons Logging is a thin adapter allowing configurable bridging to other, well known logging systems.

Jul 05, 2014
8.7k usages

Apache Maven Compiler Plugin · The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.

Feb 14, 2023
115 usages
197 stars
commons-lang3 3.13.0

Apache Commons Lang · Apache Commons Lang, a package of Java utility classes for the classes that are in java.lang's hierarchy, or are considered to be so standard as to justify existence in java.lang.

Jul 23, 2023
21.1k usages

JaCoCo :: Maven Plugin · The JaCoCo Maven Plugin provides the JaCoCo runtime agent to your tests and allows basic report creation.

Apr 24, 2023
67 usages
3k stars