Top Mocking Libraries for Java

mockito-core 5.5.0

mockito-core · Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation

Aug 22, 2023
22.9k usages
14.7k stars
wiremock 2.27.2

WireMock · A web service test double for all occasions

Jun 15, 2023
1.1k usages
6.2k stars

WireMock · A web service test double for all occasions - standalone edition

Jun 15, 2023
290 usages
6.2k stars

WireMock · A web service test double for all occasions - standalone edition

Nov 02, 2022
90 usages
6.2k stars
wiremock-jre8 2.35.0

WireMock · A web service test double for all occasions

Nov 02, 2022
398 usages
6.2k stars

Jan 11, 2023
357 usages
4.1k stars
mockserver 5.15.0

MockServer · A simple server to support mocking responses from any server / service that uses HTTP. The expectations that configure how the MockServer will respond and to incoming requests can be setup using any language that can create JSON. In simple client is provided to make this easy in Java.

Jan 11, 2023
2 usages
4.2k stars
moco-core 1.4.0

moco-core · Moco is an easy setup stub framework, mainly focusing on testing and integration.

Dec 01, 2022
24 usages
4.2k stars

PowerMock · PowerMock support module for JUnit 4.x.

Nov 01, 2020
3.3k usages
4k stars

PowerMock · Various utilities for accessing internals of a class.

Nov 01, 2020
511 usages
4k stars

${project.artifactId} · The mocking framework-specific interfaces to PowerMock.

Nov 04, 2016
2 usages
3.7k stars
jmockit 1.49

JMockit · JMockit is a Java toolkit for automated developer testing. It contains APIs for the creation of the objects to be tested, for mocking dependencies, and for faking external APIs; JUnit (4 & 5) and TestNG test runners are supported. It also contains an advanced code coverage tool.

836 usages
452 stars